

6:00am – 7:30am

Welcoming Ceremony

Anson Tebbets, Vermont Secretary of Agriculture will welcome you to the conference

Finger bites offered and cash bar available.


8:00am – 8:30am

Cold is Cool and Small is Big (part 1, part 2)

Jim Trezise

WineAmerica, Washington | DC, USA

8:30am – 9:15am

9:15am – 10:00am

The Value of Sustainable Winegrowing

Lisa Francioni

California Sustainable Winegrowers Association | USA

10:00am – 10:30am

Break and Trade Show 

Parallel session A


Parallel session B


11:00am – 11:30am 

11:30am – 12:00 pm

Natural Wines: The Vermont Perspective

Ethan Joseph

Shelburne Vineyard / Iapetus | VT, USA

Kathline Chery

Kalche Wine Co. | VT, USA

Kendra Knapik

Eliston Estate Vineyard | VT, USA

12:00pm – 1:30pm

Lunch and Trade Show

1:30pm – 2:15pm

Species and varietal differences and temperature responsiveness in cold acclimation and de-acclimation

Jason Londo

Grape Genetics Research Unit USDA | NY, USA

Parallel session C


Parallel session D

Wine Quality 

2:15pm – 3:00pm

Cultural Practices to Improve Cold Hardiness of Grapevines

Imed Dami

Ohio State University | USA

3:00pm – 3:30pm

Break and Trade Show

3:30pm – 4:15pm

Optimizing the link between variety and terroir in northern viticulture

Karine Pednault

Université du Québec en Outaouais | Canada

5:00pm – 7:00pm

Dinner on our own


USA Wine Tasting 


8:00am – 8:30am

Trade Show

8:30am to 9:15am

What does it take to create a unique identity of a wine region?

Elaine Chukan Brown

Global Wine Educator | USA

10:00am – 10:30am

Break and Trade Show

Parallel session E

Grape & Wine Quality

Parallel session F

Vine Balance & Health

12:00pm to 1:30pm

Lunch and Trade Show

1:30pm to 2:15pm

Parallel session G


Parallel session H

Grape Varieties

2:15pm – 3:15pm

Grape varieties from Scandanavia (Part 1, Part 2)

Torben Toldam-Andersen

University of Copenhagen | Denmark

3:15pm – 3:45pm

(3:00pm – 3:30pm)

Break and Trade Show

3:45pm  – 4:45pm

Alternative Packaging

Paul Tincknell

Ticknell & Ticknell | USA

5:15pm – 7:15pm


International & Vermont Wine Tasting



Deprature from Hilton hotel

8:45am – 11:00am

Ellison Estate Vineyard

– Vineyard tour

 – Expert Andy Farmer will focus on Vineyard Floor Management with Weedmats

11:00am – 11:30am

Coffee Break

11:30am – 12:15am

Travel to Shelburne Vineyard

12:15am – 1:15pm

Lunch – Folino’s Pizza

1:15pm – 3:15pm

Shelburne Vineyard – Vermont’s Geology and Winegrowing

– Tour of winery and vineyard

Vermont’s geological history, by Jeff Munroe

Paper: Testing the Vineyard Geologic Identity concept in Marquette producing vineyards in the Champlain Valley Vermont USA

3:15pm – 5:00pm



Return to Hilton


Optional Dinner